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Getting Loud with Bodysnatcher



[dropcap class=”kp-dropcap”]W[/dropcap]hat began as a group of friends playing small, local shows grew into Bodysnatcher, a deathcore band known for its aggressive sound and emotional themes. Its artistic style is a combination of death metal and hardcore punk that intertwines hard-hitting beats and assertive vocals. Consisting of four members, Bodysnatcher has created music since 2014 with no signs of stopping anytime soon. The band took some time to answer a few of CULTURE’s questions about its origin, new music and thoughts on recreational cannabis.

Could you give us a little background on the band’s history and how you guys came together?

The band started in 2014 and was originally just a breakdown band that had fun playing local shows. Once the band saw that people were into it, we started taking it more serious and started touring. In the earlier years there were a number of lineup changes, but now we have a very solid foundation as a band consisting of Kyle Medina-Vocals, Chris Whited of King Conquer on drums, Kyle Shope of Float Face Down on bass and Kyle Carter of Beacons/Dealey Plaza on guitar. We’ve all known each other for a number of years from touring in our old bands.

“[Cannabis] should be legalized 100 percent. If cigarettes and alcohol are legal, there is no reason why cannabis should not be. And it 100 percent needs to be decriminalized everywhere.”


What are the most common themes your music tends to focus on?

Life, emotions, relationships and anger.


The music video for “Consequence” was released last month. What does the writing process usually look like for your songs?

Well, our drummer Chris Whited owns and runs 1776 Recordings. So we will all go there and sit in a room together and just write songs. Having everyone in the studio together makes lyric-writing easy for us.

In regards to federal legislation on cannabis, what would you like to see happen in the future?

It should be legalized 100 percent. If cigarettes and alcohol are legal, there is no reason why cannabis should not be. And it 100 percent needs to be decriminalized everywhere.


Have any of you consumed cannabis for medical or recreational purposes?

Yes, and Chris’ brother has multiple sclerosis, and he uses cannabis every day to help with pain.

Any news on your music you would like readers to know?

Death Of Me / Deluxe came out on Oct. 26, 2018.


What can listeners expect to see on the album? How does it compare to your earlier albums?

In comparison to the older albums; Death of Me / Deluxe is much more aggressive but also much more mature sounding than Abandonment. We want to continue to push the boundaries of aggressive and violent music.


Name: Bodysnatcher

Genre: Death metal

Location: Florida

Most Recent/Upcoming Album: Death Of Me / Deluxe


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