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Roger Morgan Launches “Stop Pot 2016”



cannabis-1254745_1280Roger Morgan, the longtime anti-cannabis activist behind one of the coalitions that defeated California’s Prop 19, is at it again. This time, he’s launching Stop Pot 2016, a campaign with the sole mission of destroying the Adult Use of Marijuana Act (AMUA).

With endorsements from Leutenant Governor Gavin Newsom and Sean Parker, the AMUA is the state’s highest-funded legalization effort yet. With AUMA’s popularity becoming clear, the initiative has attracted dedicated opponents such as the California Public Safety Institute.

Morgan released the details of his new initiative, the Safe and Drug-Free Community Act. Morgan is afraid of what the cannabis industry is doing to the state. One angle of concern is the California water crisis. “California is in the midst of an ecological disaster! warned Morgan. “Under the guise of producing ‘medical marijuana’ huge pot plantations are completely dewatering streams and causing irreparable harm to some of the most precious ecosystems on earth.”

On Morgan’s website, he lists anti-cannabis stories, including one gem that links cannabis use with the Aurora movie theater massacre of 2012. “If Holmes had never started to use marijuana, perhaps the massacre at Aurora theater never would have happened,” the editor posted. Morgan also shared his views with Reason TV in a video interview.

According to Morgan, there is no difference between medical and recreational cannabis. “Even though it was a ruse, the intent was to provide ‘medicine’ for the chronically ill,” he said. “In reality, the vast majority of the ‘patients’ just want to get high. Anyone 18 or over can get a pot doctor’s recommendation for as little as $20, then buy all the pot they want for a year.” offers stories that highlight all of the “dangers” to anyone who will listen.

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