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Endorse This!

Check out Willie Nelson and a couple of others who have dipped their toes in the restaurant biz in one way or another—for better or worse.


Roadhouse isn’t just a “great” Patrick Swayze film anymore; that is, at least when it’s in Texas. Texas Roadhouse has a rather musical spokesman: Willie Nelson. Nelson, a Lone Star State native himself, has left many blue eyes crying in the rain over his long career. But every year, his support for the chain restau



Check out Willie Nelson and a couple of others who have dipped their toes in the restaurant biz in one way or another—for better or worse.




Roadhouse isn’t just a “great” Patrick Swayze film anymore; that is, at least when it’s in Texas. Texas Roadhouse has a rather musical spokesman: Willie Nelson. Nelson, a Lone Star State native himself, has left many blue eyes crying in the rain over his long career. But every year, his support for the chain restaurant grows stronger. He’s even gone on the Food Network to do a special to promote the brand. With a “Willie’s corner” in every restaurant, his presence will certainly be felt.


Between his beard and his “Islands in the Steam” duet with Dolly Parton, we all have a reason to fall for that lovable, huggable Kenny Rogers. Plastic surgery disasters aside, the Ken-man’s done pretty good for himself as far as his music career is concerned (I can’t even count how many American Music Awards this guy’s received). But the guy never rested on his laurels and apparently believes in diversifying his portfolio as he started up the chicken-and-ribs chain Kenny Rogers Roasters in 1991 with the former CEO of KFC. Sadly, the casual restaurant ended up the target of a Mad TV skit and relegated to the food court ghetto. There’s always, I guess.

GUY FIERI for TGIFridays

Think about an actual piece of human waste. Then give it a goatee and frosted tips. Now tell it to gain some weight, start sweating and make terrible food. Great! You’ve successfully imagined Guy Fieri. Known by his peers as “the man who is least able to prove his existence on this planet is worthwhile,” Fieri has thrown his full support in recent years behind chain restaurant mediocrity TGIFridays. (Side note: Why would you knowingly name a restaurant something which will be false almost 86 percent of the time?) Nevertheless, he seems to continue to use our precious resources, so his presence on this world (and poisoning of it) must now be acknowledged. He’s loud and obnoxious, like the restaurant itself. Avoid both.

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