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Ask Sarah Diesel

Dear Sarah,
I noticed in the past issue of CULTURE, there were ads for some great seeds from Canada and the Netherlands. If I were to purchase some seeds and have them shipped here in California, do I run the risk of being in trouble with any law enforcement agencies? I am an



Dear Sarah,

I noticed in the past issue of CULTURE, there were ads for some great seeds from Canada and the Netherlands. If I were to purchase some seeds and have them shipped here in California, do I run the risk of being in trouble with any law enforcement agencies? I am an amateur gardener and would love to have a treat growing next to my tomatoes and cabbage. Thanks for your time.

~ D Man Irie

Dear D Man Irie,

Being that I am not an attorney, I’m going to (puff puff) pass on the legal aspect of that question. If you are an experienced gardener who wants to begin a breeding project, they’re a great place to get quality stable genetics.

However, as a California patient who is an amateur gardener, my suggestion for you is to acquire some small plants or “clones” from your local collective. A clone is a rooted cutting off of a female plant ensuring 100 percent females and consistent genetics.

Germinating seeds can be difficult and every seed can produce a different phenotype. Plus, half of your work will become male plants unless you use feminized seeds. No bueno. Whether you go with clones or seeds be sure you know your source.

After traveling the world and medicating in three continents, I can tell you for a fact that you don’t have to look far for some world-class genetics. Last summer, I was at the Greenhouse Coffee Shop in Amsterdam and a special section of their menu featured Trainwreck and Bubba Kush, “Just in from California!” Even they know we have the best cannabis in the universe.

This month I received these two very different questions regarding cannabis and pregnancy:

I have a friend who just found out she is pregnant, however she is still smoking because she thinks she has done all the research and knows for a fact marijuana will not harm her unborn child. What do you think? I would appreciate if you would post this on your column so I can slap down some REAL FACTS on how selfish she is being! Thanks so much.

I am a disabled veteran using medical marijuana for my PTSD and for my back pain, which is from a slipped disc. Recently, I found out I was pregnant. I know I cannot use pain medicine since it will harm the baby, but it is safe to continue to use medical marijuana even though I am pregnant?

Having no medical education I cannot give medical advice. What I believe is that your body is a temple and when you have a life growing inside you must respect it more than ever. This includes and is not limited to healthy eating/drinking, doing pregnancy exercise/yoga, using relaxation techniques (i.e. meditation, reading, playing music for you and your baby), seeing your OBGYN regularly and just for fun try learning something new everyday.

There was an ethnographic study conducted in rural Jamaica in 1994 with 24 newborns exposed to marijuana prenatally and 20 non-exposed newborns. According to the study, “the newborns of heavy marijuana-using mothers had better scores on autonomic stability, quality of alertness, irritability and self-regulation and were judged to be more rewarding for caregivers.” (Pediatrics 1994;93:254-260)

I spoke with Dr. Eidelman, one of the first California physicians to recommend cannabis and a leading doctor in the cannabis community. He said, “It seems obvious that it is best not to use any substances while pregnant, but—depending on the symptom you are trying to treat—the risks of cannabis are so small that the benefits outweigh them.” He also mentioned “people have a tendency to over consume.” Remember: moderation and titration only as needed.

The method of ingestion is very important as well. Vaporizing is the healthiest way to medicate, but a vaporizer can be expensive. If you’re going to “smoke” cannabis, use a joint with the thinnest hemp, rice or raw papers and filters. Sublinguals such as candies and tinctures are wonderful to seek relief without inhaling any carcinogens. Use glycerin tinctures only, not alcohol.

Personally, I have seen a few of my girlfriends have beautiful, happy, healthy children and they medicated on cannabis during most of their pregnancy.

Women know their own bodies better than anyone else does. I suggest you consult a variety of sources while conducting your own research. Please remember that every woman and pregnancy is different.

Dear Sarah,

I have been with my girlfriend for five years and I think she’s “the one.” We’ve even talked about marriage. I am really nervous to ask her to marry me. Do you have any advice on how I should propose to her?

~ Petrified to Propose

Dear Petrified to Propose,

This is a very common feeling amongst men who are in your situation. If she’s the old-fashioned type, talking to her parents is a good place to start. This way they feel special, and it gets you some brownie points for being so sweet to think of them.

One common mistake men make is proposing in front of her family and friends or, even worse, in front of a room full of strangers! I think this situation could be rather uncomfortable, especially if you two hadn’t even talked about marriage before. Now if she’s the type of girl who likes that kind of attention, then go big or go home. Think the two of you at the top of the Eiffel tower and a cell phone on video chat with the family or blast it on the big screen at your favorite ball game. For a more intimate setting, the Great Lawn at Barnsdall Art Park in Hollywood has the best panoramic view of L.A. and Vondelpark in Amsterdam is a beautiful destination for a cannabis-loving couple.

When it comes to the right moment, it doesn’t matter where you are. Just look into her eyes, hold her hand firmly and make it come from the heart. Have what you’d like to say in mind, and don’t read it off the back of your hand.

Don’t worry. If she’s right for you she’ll know to say, “yes.”

Got a burning question about love, life and/or the pursuit of medicine? Ask Sarah Diesel, medical-marijuana advocate and L.A.’s Countess of Class and Cannabis. Just keep your questions short, straightforward and obscenity-free, and email them to

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