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The Center for Palliative Care




Company Name:  The Center for Palliative Care (The CPC)

Address:  74 South Lucile St., Seattle, 98134


Phone Number: (888) 972-1555

What does your access point offer clients that they can’t find anywhere else? What do you specialize in, if anything?

We are a knowledge and research driven organization that specializes in precise, quantifiable and consistent cannabinoid therapy. When patients come to The CPC they are asked to step back from the cannabis conversation and define their health habits and goals. From that point we can connect them with resources that will guide them through the process of learning how cannabis will facilitate a deeper level of health and wellness.

Often times, people dealing with health issues are in a polarizing space. They are either talking in terms of numbers and test results that have little to do with emotion and mind, or they are expected to exhibit boundless optimism and strength around family and friends.

The CPC provides patients a depth of interaction. We operate a consultative model in a private space. We encourage everyone to pause, speak frankly, set goals, and proceed with purpose. A returning patient visit averages 27 minutes. An initial consultation at The CPC averages almost 90 minutes.


How and when did your access point start up?

In the early 2000s, one of the founding members broke his neck in a snowboarding accident. During rehabilitation he was consuming almost 1,000mg of prescription medication day. It inevitably ended him up in a different kind of rehabilitation, which lead him to seek out alternatives to the pharmaceutical  paradigm of injury recover and overall health and wellness. He met his business partner and co-founder in the mid 2000s. They began assisting friends and family who were seeking to explore therapeutic cannabis and eventually applied that knowledge into the development of The CPC and its products.

With the changing landscape of MMJ and recreational cannabis, what are the biggest challenges you face in this industry as an access point?

Luckily, the biggest challenge to our progress as an organization is exactly what motivates us. That challenge is raising the standard of the cannabis industry through forward thinking practices driven by the needs of our patients. This has been more straightforward in the past when we were able to operate with and among our medical cannabis community that valued compassion and cooperation. After July 2016, we are being forced to operate within the I-502 market. This market is driven by competition, return on investment, flashy promotion and packaging and values more often found in standard consumer markets. Our new challenge will be to maintain our ethos and value driven actions while still remaining competitive and fiscally viable within this new arena.


Any sneak peeks on new products or news you’d like to share?

Before we have to transition out of the medical market, our goal is to give away thousands of CBD clones to patients, and educate them on how they can legally grow their own medicine. After this, we will offer CPC products on various state regulated markets. Stay tuned and check our website for more info.

Also, it isn’t new but it is relatively unknown, suppositories. We have worked with patients fighting colorectal cancer, endometriosis, or digestive uptake issues. Our solution has been cannabis suppositories that deliver cannabinoids directly to target areas and provide for higher rates of absorption.

The Kettle Falls Five (KF5) are fellow Washington patients facing federal prison time for growing legal cannabis in accordance with Washington state law.  Look for absolute oils, The CPC, and KF5 products on the market that have committed 10 percent of proceeds to their defense.

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