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How to Survive the Long Rick and Morty Off-Season



Rick and MortyLast Sunday was a bittersweet day. It brought us the finale of Rick and Morty’s third, and best, season. However, it also means we face an inevitable long, and relatively Rick Sanchez-free off-season for our beloved show.

The last hiatus, between seasons two and three, lasted an excruciating 18 months, and although Executive Producer Dan Harmon has hinted that the delay may not be as long, he also points out that the show’s unique style is lengthy in terms of writing and animation. Fortunately, the show is made to be watched over and over. The number of Easter eggs and foreshadowing in each episode is next level, and you can always spot something new on a fresh re-watch. The show is so popular that McDonald’s is bringing back their Szechuan dipping sauce as a nod to the season three premiere, The Rickshank Rickdemption, in which the titular Rick pines for the now-defunct dipping sauce.

So what are we to do?

Be That Guy/Girl

Have you ever had a friend who would not shut up about a show? “Watch The Wire, have you seen The Wire, I can’t believe you haven’t seen The Wire, The Wire is the best thing on TV!” We get it, you love The Wire, but you know what? We hate The Wire! The characters are overly-grim and flawed, and that doesn’t make them awesome, it makes them wrought with inconsistencies that the writers are unable to navigate. Sorry about that. Get your friends into Rick and Morty.

As people who weren’t there from day one, we were hesitant to get into the show because we were afraid that it was too overhyped for us to enjoy. We were happy to be proven wrong, and the long wait is the perfect time for your friends to jump on the Rick and Morty train. Then you can enjoy the show anew through their eyes. Just don’t be like the pretentious d-wads who read Game of Thrones and then lords it over their friend’s heads. No one care that you read the books, Justin! As book readers, we can tell you the show is better.

Have you Seen the One with the Thing

Re-watch the show from the beginning, possibly with some cannabis and a buddy. There are currently 31 episodes, each 22 minutes in length, so it’s not an enormous investment. Plus remember, you’ve got time on your side. Watch a couple, live your life, and then revisit the show in a week or so. Make it a standing thing with your friends or family.

Find a New Show

This isn’t a “let’s see other people” thing. But there are a lot of other goofball comedies on the air right now. Ghosted is a great example. It Stars Adam Scott (Parks & Recreation) and Craig Robinson (Hot Tub Time Machine) as a mismatched pair who join a secret government organization investigating paranormal cases. There’s also the animated dup of BoJack Horseman and F is for Family, both streaming on Netflix. Don’t have Netflix, get Netfli— there’s really no reason not to. Also, you can always go back and watch Community, the show that made R & M Executive Producer Dan Harmon’s career. Sure it peters out a bit in the end, but there are at least four great seasons of TV to be had there.

Build a Time Machine

The best option by far though is to simply invent time travel. We’re not saying you should do it solely to binge watch Rick and Morty in the future. Obviously, you would find out who wins the next dozen or so Super Bowls and get rich, but a nice way to spend your money is on a sweet future TV you can watch Rick and Morty on. Also, if you do invent time travel, please stop by the CULTURE offices at exactly 9:30 a.m. on Monday, October, 9. Just curious to see how it worked out.

Let us know what your favorite episode of the series is in the comment section below. Whatever you decide, just remember, “I’m Pickle Riiiiiiiiiiick!”

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