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Puget Sound Health Alternatives | Washington

Puget Sound Health Alternatives

3202 15th Ave. W., Seattle, 98119

(206) 402-5082

What’s the story behind the name
of your access point?

Our name came from the idea that MMJ is an a



Puget Sound Health Alternatives

3202 15th Ave. W., Seattle, 98119

(206) 402-5082

What’s the story behind the name
of your access point?

Our name came from the idea that MMJ is an alternative medicine that
people of the Pacific Northwest were beginning to use on a regular basis and
needed to have a professional place to procure their medicine, in both a safe
and friendly environment.

What does your access point
offer patients that they can’t find anywhere else?

The highest quality service and professionalism. With over four years
of patient experience we have accumulated an amazing wealth of knowledge in the
cannabis industry. With over 50 strains of premium marijuana on the shelves and
a large selection of top edibles, topicals and concentrates, we are one of the
best access points in the state.

How has the cannabis industry in
Washington changed since you have been in the business? Where would you like to
see it go?

What has started from being 100 percent illegal to
being legal is absolutely amazing for us. We look forward to the future and the
excitement of the merging medical and recreational markets. We are a company
that will offer both, when the time comes.

What are the biggest challenges
you face in this industry as an access point? . . .  Biggest joys?

The issues have been waiting for the laws of legalization
and 502 to be fully defined, wondering what is going to happen to our 4,000+
medical patients and what hurdles that lay ahead. 
Our one biggest joy is to see people we serve on daily basis improve their
quality of life though our services. 

If someone wanted to open an
access point and get their feet wet in the industry, what advice or counsel
would you give them?

The biggest thing that I would say is that it is a new industry. There
are still a lot of professionals that need to enter the market, whether it is
legal advice or more medical professionals. Make sure that you are passionate
about the industry, because there are a lot of people that go in for the money
and don’t make it when it gets tough. Be passionate and be smart.

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