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Prices of Colorado Concentrates on the Rise

 In light of recent events, concentrate prices in Colorado
have been a bit steeper of lately, and could increase even more in the coming

The first factor in relation to the influx is




In light of recent events, concentrate prices in Colorado
have been a bit steeper of lately, and could increase even more in the coming

The first factor in relation to the influx is the demand. As
more people discover and embrace cannabis, more people discover concentrates as

“The big thing happening in the market is the shift toward
edibles and concentrates and away from smoked product,” Mark Kleiman, a
cannabis consultant, told Vice
magazine in an interview. “It’s a big advantage that the legal sector has over
the illegal.”

However, the crucial problem with the higher demand is that
it takes a while to do a clean butane extraction of concentrates. Additionally,
with the surge of accidents occurring while making concentrates in the past—especially
in the illegal arena—there have been more restrictions and regulations
implemented on operations. Because the demand is somewhat exceeding the amount
of time allowed by the supply, certain dispensaries are running out of
concentrates, and as a result, some are charging higher prices for the

Another issue is potency. Scenarios where customers indulge
in a dosage that exceeds the intended amount has driven companies to scrutinize
their guidelines, instructions and overall potency of their product. Where less
rigid guidelines once resided, much stricter guidelines on concentrate potency
now exist. As such, this is causing labs to slow down and take more time analyzing
their product, which—while good for safety standards—is another factor in the
low supply and higher prices.

Although this is somewhat frustrating for diehard
concentrate buyers, it is likely just a hiccup in the road.  As this new process becomes absorbed into the
mainstream market and is made safer and more accessible for everyone, the
wrinkles in the operation are sure to iron themselves out. Soon, it is hoped
and presumed that prices for recreational customers and patients alike will level
out, giving access to reasonably priced products that are thoroughly analyzed as
well as safe.

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