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OpCannabis Phase Two

Anonymous tells anti-MMJ forces to Fawke off!

The Republican National Convention is ready to celebrate a man who thinks God lives on planet Kolob, but the party generally rejects the idea of medical marijuana. “Anonymous,” the legendary hacktivists that make the 1% quiver, sees this as the perfect setting for a protest. A few months ago, the group launched Operation Cannabis as “a grass roots ef



Anonymous tells anti-MMJ forces to Fawke off!


The Republican National Convention is ready to celebrate a man who thinks God lives on planet Kolob, but the party generally rejects the idea of medical marijuana. “Anonymous,” the legendary hacktivists that make the 1% quiver, sees this as the perfect setting for a protest. A few months ago, the group launched Operation Cannabis as “a grass roots effort to bring all who use cannabis together for the purpose of legalization,” and now begins Phase 2, the escalation. One of its plans includes a little Tampa Bay mayhem at the GOP’s four-day Go-Back-to-Kenya Fest.

In an online post, Anonymous wrote, “In Honor of Jeremy Hammond [Editor’s note: Hammond is an alleged Anonymous hacker currently facing federal charges], who once urged people to use ‘Electronic Civil Disobedience’ to disrupt the Republican National Convention, we are asking the citizens of the United States to rise up and show the Republican Party and the world that Cannabis should be De-Criminalized by protesting at this year’s Republican National Convention.”

Whether “disrupt” means challenging Michelle Bachmann to a spelling bee or telling Arizona Sheriff Joe Arpaio that Marco Rubio is an illegal, the group will surely make its presence known. Phase 2 also features “several worldwide marches for cannabis legalization, the first of which is scheduled for Oct. 1,” said Anonymous in an online post. Active protest is a major part of the new initiatives, but the group will also use its cyber sabotage to pull the curtain on anti-legalization financiers.

Anonymous continued, “[We will be] bringing to the forefront the ‘narco-warriors . . . the police unions, the private prison contractors, big pharmaceutical companies, the alcohol and tobacco industries, the corporate lobbyists for these organizations and the politicians who accept payoffs to legislate in their favor. These are the people who have a financial stake in keeping cannabis illegal.”

In a press release, the group added, “These oppressors make trillions of dollars off of the War on Drugs by keeping their privately owned jails overcrowded with nonviolent drug offenders! We are approaching the 11 billion dollar mark that the government has spent on the drug war this year alone and have put millions of nonviolent offenders behind bars.”

Anonymous, which utilize the Guy Fawkes masks that symbolized protest in V is for Vendetta, has launched cyberwarfare against child porn sites, sexual predators, a white supremacist radio host, Iranian election fraud and the Oregon Tea Party, among others. They famously hacked Sarah Palin’s email account (password: igrizzlyglenrice?) and actively supported Occupy Wall Street, the Arab Spring and WikiLeaks. These digital Robin Hoods are now fighting for legalization. Romney looked in desperate need of a good smoke before, so imagine how he’ll look after Tampa.


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Anonymous launched Operation Cannabis with a website ( and Twitter account, and proceeded to push for more education. As implored in an early OpCannabis press release, “We ask you to please educate yourself on [marijuana’s] many benefits and share these benefits with your sick or injured friends.” The website recommends watching the PBS documentary Clear the Smoke: The Science of Cannabis (available online) for a surprising look at marijuana’s medicinal possibilities. The hour-long Montana PBS production includes interviews with patients, doctors, scientific researchers and even a Harvard professor who embraced medicinal use only after setting out to debunk it.


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