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Nevada Senate Passes Cannabis Club Bill



Cannabis ClubCannabis social clubs are the next big thing for Nevada, as the Silver State’s Senate just passed Senate Bill 236, which would permit the local government to allow the use of cannabis in a social setting as well as other forms of public use.

SB-236, which passed in a 12-9 vote on April 23, will now head to the Assembly moving the new legislation one step closer to being finalized as a law.

As of now, Nevada law says adults 21 years of age and older can legally possess up to one ounce of cannabis, however, the cannabis must be consumed in a private residence. This does not leave many options for the millions of tourists visiting Las Vegas every year, since casinos are currently prohibited from allowing the use the recreational cannabis and would be in danger of losing their license if they do not adhere to the law.

This leaves public cannabis clubs as the only logical option. With recreational laws changing, tourist-heavy locations run the risk of either losing valuable business or putting their own establishments in jeopardy, in the event that guests do not abide by casino rules. If permitted, the social clubs would be located off the Las Vegas strip and provide a location for visitors looking to consume cannabis a protected and legal environment.

Other recreational use states have shied away from pushing the envelope on public use due to fears of a federal crackdown. In states like Colorado and Alaska, lawmakers have been overly cautious in passing similar legislation for fear that the very lucrative industry would potentially take a financial hit in their respective states at the hands of federal drug enforcement.

If SB-236 passes, Nevada would be the first state to support social cannabis clubs. With an estimated $70 million expected to be collected tax revenue, it could be the first of many states to embrace such regulations.

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