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Illinois’ First Cannabis Harvest





[dropcap class=”kp-dropcap radius”]I[/dropcap]llinois is typically known for its corn harvests, but soon it will be known for its medical cannabis harvests as well. It is now among 23 states that allow cannabis to be used to treat certain diagnosed medical conditions. Even though the state is having its first harvest, the medical cannabis bill was officially passed in August of 2013. Now, the harvest that patients have been waiting over two years for has finally arrived.

It will be interesting to see what develops in a state that has been very cautious to make sure everything is being “done right,” according to Representative Lou Lang, D-Skokie, who has been a strong advocate for medical cannabis legalization since 2009.

There are more than 3,000 approved patients who have waited patiently, 16 of them who are children in desperate need of the type of palliative relief that only cannabis can provide. The care they could be receiving from cannabis cannot be denied. To be so close to the finish line, which in a sense could also be considered the starting line for so many people, is an invigorating feeling.

For now, patients suffering from PTSD in Illinois are excluded from the list and aren’t able to qualify for a medical card, unless they can qualify with another illness, like cancer or AIDS. Chronic pain also isn’t on the list.

Unlike in other states, patients in Illinois cannot grow their own cannabis. Only cultivation centers that are approved by the state can do that. Those centers are also under very strict guidelines and require the utmost scrutiny when it comes to solid security systems and other requirements.

One of these cultivation centers is called Ataraxia and it was the first center that was ready for harvest. In Grown is another cultivation center that was ready to start helping patients and experienced their first harvest at the beginning of October as well. With over 60 plants around six feet tall, the president and CEO of In Grown told the Journal Standard, “It looked fantastic for our very first harvest . . . we’re very pleased, very excited and very honored to be part of the program.”

Some growers, like In Grown, have already run into some minor issues, like preparing itself for a much higher demand than what reality reflects. Eventually, the industry could boast well over 100,000 patients, but until then they need to stop counting their chickens before they hatch or they’ll be left with a fully catered party and only a few guests.

The University of Illinois has the first medical cannabis lab in the state and it’s ready to start testing strains to make sure they are clear of any harmful microbes, pesticides, solvents and fungal poisons, according to the Associated Press.

The first dispensary that opened in Illinois is called The Harbory, which they opened at the beginning of October, although cannabis was not available yet. Eager to open their doors and start helping patients, they began, offering counseling, massage and acupuncture.

Approved patients have already started receiving their cards and will be able to start medicating very soon.


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