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Hemp Repairs Damaged DNA

To supplement all the great news lately about cannabis and healing, it seems that properties found in hemp seeds might be able to repair broken or damaged DNA. This means that the wear and tear of old



To supplement all the great news lately about cannabis and healing, it seems that properties found in hemp seeds might be able to repair broken or damaged DNA. This means that the wear and tear of old age and the body’s inability to heal itself as time goes on could be somewhat reduced long-term. In effect, this makes hemp a more realistic modern-day version of the proverbial fountain of youth, leading to a longer and healthier life. 


Usually, when DNA breaks, it can repair itself, but there are times when serious damage leads to imperfect DNA that can cause the body to break down and make a longer life less likely. Edestin and Albumin are the two proteins found in hemp seeds that may be able to reverse this process. Edestin has properties that are comparable to blood plasma, and it also helps with stress and the immune system. Albumin helps with strengthening body tissue, acting as a kind of glue. 

According to a statement by Global Hemp, “Hemp protein contains all of the 20 known amino acids – including 9 essential amino acids (EAAs). These amino acids are labeled ‘essential’ because the human body can’t produce them on its own. A diet that is deficient of EAAs may lead to degenerative conditions.” This means that simply by supplementing one’s diet with hemp, healthier DNA can be achieved. 

The best way to get the effects of this is to ingest hemp seeds or hemp seed oil. These can both be consumed as vitamin supplements or used in cooking, and neither include the effects of cannabis. So anyone who wishes to have healthier DNA, whether they medicate or not, can enjoy the benefits of the wonderful hemp plant—a powerful supplement with more beneficial uses discovered every day.

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