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Exercise Evolution

If you’re like most Americans, losing a few extra pounds is your goal for 2015. With holiday season in the rearview mirror and all of the leftovers finished, it’s the perfect time to get in shape.



If you’re like most Americans, losing a few extra pounds is your goal for 2015. With holiday season in the rearview mirror and all of the leftovers finished, it’s the perfect time to get in shape.  While the idea of working out and using cannabis seem like diametrically opposed concepts to the anti-legalization crowd, it’s a movement that’s gaining steam in Denver—and people are seeing results.

The Pro Athlete

Clifford Drusinsky, 39, is the opposite of the “typical stoner” stereotype. With his own gym, a line of edibles in the works, and three Australian Shepherds, he’s a busy guy. He also placed at nine different triathlons in 2013. What separates Drusinsky’s workouts from others? Cannabis-infused edibles. 

“I’m making edibles for the active person that are vegan and raw food,” says Drusinsky. “They’re a supplement for workouts and help motivate people.”

Having grown tired of working in corporate gyms and passing people off to other trainers, he opened F.I.T.S. Conditioning to primarily work with former Division 1 NCAA athletes that aren’t focused on burning fat but keeping their bodies in the best shape possible. Not everyone has experience with cannabis coming in, however.

“One of my favorite things to do is explaining to people the different benefits of cannabis. It’s not just couchlock,” he notes. 

The main plus? Focus. Many say that they’re more dialed in and can work out longer with THC in their systems. “With certain people, cannabis use allows them to slow down,” Drusinsky observes. “Realistically, if I can isolate a muscle, I’m burning more calories and I’m focusing on form.”

His biggest problem now is that he’s only one person. While demand is through the roof for his training and nutrition services, he takes great pride in working with people personally rather than getting as many bodies as possible through the door. It’s a good problem to have.

The Marijuana Mom

“Unless you’re a crazy, super fast runner, you have to do something to pass the time,” says Georgia Edson, 44, about running marathons. “So I decided one of the things I’d try to do is open up conversations about marijuana legalization.”

As the founder of Run on Grass, she’s sparking discussions across the state with a t-shirt and a pair of running shoes. “If I’m wearing a Run on Grass shirt, it’s unlikely I’ll go through all of those miles without someone saying something.”

And since its inception in 2011, that’s certainly been the case as Edson has found runners open to the concept, especially the newly legal cannabis market has made it more of a conversation piece than ever. “It went from no one talking about marijuana to everyone talking about it, whether they use it or not.”

As the owner of iCannabis Radio, talking comes naturally to Edson, who tries to dispel myths about cannabis and its users. “The running community is very open to cannabis use. It’s that very type A personality, logical, right brain type of person,” she notes.

What she originally envisioned as runners arm-in-arm, celebrating cannabis has evolved as people from other sports have become interested.

“It’s become a forum for people to go whatever they do ‘on grass’ and have a conversation with people. If that’s what you’re doing then high-five, you’re a member of the club.”

With more fitness enthusiasts jumping aboard the cannabis train, it’s an increasingly large club.

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