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Catching ‘Em All




Pokémon GO has the internet going wild. After the game was unofficially released in early July, everyone who grew up with Pokémon (just about everyone who is now in their late 20s) has downloaded the app and become glued to their smartphone trying to “catch them all.” While the interactive game forces you to literally explore the world in order to catch Pokémon and visit gyms has led to more gamers going outside for a walk, the game has also brought some gamers a little unwanted attention from law enforcement.

A Reddit user recently shared his story about how Pokémon GO helped him make new friends in the earliest morning hours. At 3am, the Reddit user couldn’t sleep, so he decided to download the Pokémon GO app and go for a late-night walk. As he walked down the street, collecting Pokémon, two suspect looking gentleman called him over to their bench in the dark. To his surprise, they were also playing Pokémon.

The young men gave him insight regarding where he could find some good Pokémon. This self-described “40-year-old white guy” then proceeded to hang out and chat with the two young men, presumably in their early 20s.

The Reddit user explained, “Then the cop shows up . . . It took a bit of talking to convince the cop we weren’t doing a drug deal, and a bit longer to explain the game.” Once the cop understood that these three guys weren’t up to anything shady, and instead were trying to capture virtual cartoon characters using their cellular devices at 3am, the situation took an even more surprising turn, with the Reddit user explaining, “Then the cop downloaded the fucking game on his phone and asked us how to get started.”

Next time you see three men sitting on a park bench at 3am, don’t jump to conclusions. After all, they could just be trying to power up Pikachu.

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