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Alis Group, LLC| Washigton



TahomaOilsLogo_Hybrid_TangerineAlis Group, LLC

624 S. Lander St. #47, Seattle

 (425) 786-4549

How would you describe your company? What is your specialty?

The Alis Group’s mission is to provide consumers and clients with high quality products and excellent service. We take pride in being flexible enough to work with both large and small retailers, while maintaining standards and expectations. We believe in honesty, and want to be known as a company people can trust.

What do you offer consumers/clients that others don’t?

We believe in going the extra mile. For example, we seal all of our useable cannabis, which isn’t required by law. However, we believe it is important for consumers to know that their products have not been tampered with in any way. Our crew is also rather passionate about cannabis, cannabis connoisseurs if you will, and strives to ensure that all of our products are the type of products we would choose also.

How and why did your company start up?

The company began in medical cannabis offering premium hash oil as X-tracted Labs, Seattle Refine’s main distributor. From there, we grew to service more than 35 store locations with top quality oils, flower and other cannabis related products. Anticipating the evolution of this new industry, we applied for all three of the producer/processor licenses, enabling us to be flexible as the future unfolded.


With the changing landscape of MMJ and recreational cannabis, what do you see as the biggest challenges to your progress as a company? Any advantages?

Seeing the landscape change is why I applied for my licenses. Beginning with our processing facility first, due to zoning regulations at our Seattle headquarters, it enabled us to control our growth more effectively, which is what has enabled us to be where we are today. This gives us a foundation upon which the future can continue to develop.

What are the goals and vision moving forward, for your company? Where do you see your company in five years?

We want to continue evolving with the growing industry while maintaining our core principles and vision. We want consumers and retailers to know that we carry a wide variety of quality products and brands, providing our customers with options to meet their needs.

A lot about where we will be in five years depends on how the industry develops, so the key is to remain flexible. We foresee ourselves providing, not just to the state of Washington, but to clients in other states, and hopefully in other countries, as culture continues to evolve.

What words of advice would you offer anyone seeking to enter the world of cannabis business? More specifically, what is unique to this type of work/this industry, in your opinion?

It seems as though the ancillary businesses can generate a great deal of revenue, with much less regulation and scrutiny, so it would be wise to look into those types of businesses. However, the number one piece of advice is to realistically crunch the numbers for your cannabis venture before starting. A good rule of thumb is that everything will cost twice as much as you think, as there are a lot of unexpected costs along the way.

What do you hope to accomplish in the MMJ industry?

MMJ is dead in Washington State, so there really isn’t anything left to accomplish, having done all that was possible during its time here in Washington. Nevertheless, there are many positive possibilities for the MMJ market in other states and countries, which will be beneficial to MMJ patients.

Any sneak peeks on new products or news you’d like to share?

We have expanded our facility at Soma Farms, having added six new hoop houses, which will produce high quality cannabis in a greenhouse environment, while utilizing light dep techniques to maximize both quality and production.

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