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Study Finds Whole-Plant Medicines More Effective Than CBD-Only Extracts



[dropcap class=”kp-dropcap”]A[/dropcap] new study supports the assertion that “The Entourage Effect” is more medically beneficial than purified CBD-only products. Published on Aug. 21 in the journal Frontiers In Neurology, a team of researchers from Brazil observed the difference between products that contain only CBD and those that also contain traces of THC and other cannabinoids and terpenes.

The study, “Potential clinical benefits of CBD-rich Cannabis extracts over purified cannabidiol (CBD) in treatment-resistant epilepsy: observational data meta-analysis,” was conducted by three Brazilian researchers, Fabricio A. Pamplona, Lorenzo R. daSilva, and Ana Carolina Coan. The study combined date from previous studies that took place between 2013 and 2017.

Seventy-one percent of participants who took CBD-rich extracts reported improvement, while only 36 percent of participants who received purified CBD-only products reported improvement—a  pretty large margin.

“CBD-rich extracts seem to present a better therapeutic profile than purified CBD, at least in this population of patients with refractory epilepsy,” the researchers wrote. “The roots of this difference is likely due to synergistic effects of CBD with other phytocompounds (aka Entourage effect), but this remains to be confirmed in controlled clinical studies.” CBD and THC both bind to CB1 receptors in the brain. It’s no mystery that the two chemicals are connected, and it is thought that CBD limits the negative effects of THC such as over-intoxication.

The Entourage Effect has been studied since at least 1981. More recently, the medical benefits of terpenes found in cannabis have been thrust into the spotlight.

Nature usually knows best. The Entourage Effect theory could be applied to other plants. Coffee, for instance, isn’t just caffeine—it also is loaded with amino acids and methylxanthines that may balance out the crash your body goes through with caffeine alone. Similarly, products that contain THC or CBD alone might not be the best route to go. The added benefit of naturally-occurring cannabinoids and terpenes makes a big difference.

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