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Increasing Interest



The City of Hanford is forging along with the goal to implement cannabis businesses. The city cleared the first major step towards allowing large, l medical cannabis cultivation and manufacturing businesses in town. On June 13, the Planning Commission voted 7-0 to unanimously recommend that the city council approve an ordinance to allow those types of businesses in the city’s heavy industrial zone.

Commissioners Angel Vee Galvan, Savino Perico, Dennis Ham, Ajmer Nahal, Richard Douglas, Michael Johnston and Travis Paden all voted in favor of the recommendation. Nearly all of the city’s leadership is in agreement over most aspects of the proposals, however, the process is taking longer than some citizens are willing to wait.

“We are in the process of having new sales tax so that we will have more money for Public Safety more for recreational activities and more to develop our downtown.”

Municipal Code Amendment No. 2017-02 would amend the Hanford Zoning Ordinance Title 17, specifically Chapter 17.08, amending Table 17.08.030 to allow commercial medical cannabis in the heavy industrial zone and add Chapter 17.69, Cannabis Related Uses and Activity, to further regulate cannabis land uses.
There are many reasons for allowing such businesses in the city of Hanford, with the most obvious being the economic push. The city’s Vice Mayor Francisco Ramirez is more than ready to embrace the new ordinance changes. “Not only will it bring good quality jobs at $17.50 an hour, [it] can bring over 1,100 jobs to our community, quality paying jobs,” Ramirez told CULTURE. “It can bring over $14 million in annual sales tax if approved by the voters.”

The city is also considering a sales tax that could help boost the economy. “We are in the process of having a new sales tax so that we will have more money for public safety, more for recreational activities and more to develop our downtown,” said Ramirez.  “It will be a win-win for our community. Either we’re going to be pioneers and visionaries or be left in the dust.”

“This has been a fight that the community’s been showing up for over 35 years. It seems like every couple of years people have to get up here and do something about this issue.”

Some of the citizens of Hanford were adamant about pushing city officials to move forward with zoning, regulations and a sales tax on the potential commercial cannabis opportunity. If the will of the citizens of Hanford has any effect on the city council, the mayor and the Planning Commission, it’s likely that the city will soon implement the proposed ordinance changes that will allow commercial cannabis to thrive in Hanford like it has in other California cities.

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