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Hemp, the non-psychoactive variety of cannabis sativa, is considered by many nutrition professionals to produce the most nutritious seed in the world. With its almost zero THC level, it most assuredly will help you get healthy and stay healthy. Hemp seeds are the safest, most digestible, balanced and complete source of protein, amino acids and essential fatty acids found in the plant kingdom.

Hemp seeds are 1/3 protein, packing more of a punch than so-called energy bars. Providing all 20 known amino acids, including the nine essential amino acids which our bodies cannot produce, hemp seeds are ideal to help your body construct the building blocks of life.

Significantly, hemp seed protein is 65 percent globular edestin, which plays a significant role in the body’s ability to resist disease and recover from illness. Globular edestin is essential for the development of disease fighting antibodies and if you do not have enough of it, you will not produce enough antibodies to prevent the onset of disease and infections.

“Providing all 20 known amino acids, including the nine essential amino acids which our bodies cannot produce, hemp seeds are ideal to help your body construct the building blocks of life.”

Essential fatty acids, such as Omega 3 and Omega 6, are absolutely necessary for our bodies to produce the energy needed to keep us alive and functioning, but since our bodies cannot produce them, they must be taken in externally. It’s not just good enough that our bodies take in these essential fatty acids, they must be taken in the proper ratio. Hemp seeds not only contain bountiful quantities of Omega 6 and Omega 3 fatty acids, but just as importantly it is the only seed where the ideal 3:1 balance of Omega 6 over Omega 3 is found.

Hemp seeds also have soluble and insoluble fiber, both of which contribute to good health by maintaining healthy bowel movements, preventing constipation, lowering bad cholesterol levels, controlling blood sugar and helping to maintain proper and proportional weight. That’s right—the fiber in hemp seeds can be part of a healthy diet that can help you lose weight and keep it off.

The best part of hemp seeds is that they can be utilized in a variety of recipes from simple to gourmet. Like psychoactive cannabis comes in different forms—dried flower, tincture, wax—nutritious hemp seeds comes in different forms as well—whole seed, powder and oil. Hemp seeds are ideal for a bevy of culinary delights. Toast them, sprinkle on a salad, bake into a waffle, mix into a cup of yogurt or blend with almost anything you want for a healthy and tasty meal. Hemp powders are also adaptable and can be used in variety of recipes, but are exceedingly wonderful for healthy easy-to-make beverages, sauces and dips.

Hemp seed oil is a bit problematic as it is not suitable for high temperature cooking because its burn point—the temperature at which the fats start to break down—is relatively low. You may not be able to fry with hemp seed oil but with its nutty flavor, hemp seed oil makes for healthy and tasty salad dressings and is ideal for hummus, dips, shakes and anything that is not cooked.

Mixing the psycho-active properties of cannabis with the nutritional benefits of hemp seeds provides pleasure plus health. How about hemp seed pancakes smothered in canna-butter or cannabis-infused maple syrup? Got the cannabis munchies? Instead of potato chips, opt to satisfy those hunger pangs with a host of delicious and good-for-you, pre-packaged hemp seed snacks. No reason not to be healthy while you’re kicking back and enjoying life.

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