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Ask Sarah Diesel

Dear Sarah,
My boyfriend and I have been together for three years. He’s amazing and really sweet, but to be honest he needs a haircut and some serious man grooming. Every time I talk to him about it he thinks I



Dear Sarah,

My boyfriend and I have been together for three years. He’s amazing and really sweet, but to be honest he needs a haircut and some serious man grooming. Every time I talk to him about it he thinks I’m nagging him. How can I show him I just want him to look his best?

~ Girlfriend in the IE

Dear Girlfriend in the IE,

You know that feeling you get after you come home from spending all day at the salon, and he notices how sexy you look? Keep that in mind when bringing up the subject. Remember, in the cannabis community guys are known for spending more time trimming their buds than trimming their hair. But that doesn’t mean your man shouldn’t look as great as you.

Most men just don’t understand man grooming, or they might find it a little awkward. Make a fun date with him at the barber and nail spa. Show him how nice it feels to relax and be groomed. Plus you’ll be doing something together, so it won’t seem like you’re telling him what to do.

You’re just asking for it if you buy him a nose hair trimmer for his birthday.

Men are sensitive, but most of the time too “macho” to show it. Help him along a little and he’ll do just fine.

Dear Sarah,

Can marijuana cause mental health problems or madness?

~ Alberto in England

Dear Alberto in England,

CULTURE readers in the U.S. may not be aware that the U.K. has been recently besieged with 21st century reefer madness news stories about cannabis causing mental heath problems. I even saw a 2005 BBC article claiming cannabis was causing a “drug-induced mental health crisis” because of its association with schizophrenia. Nearly all research has been so politicized it couldn’t possibly be reliable—no matter what it found.

Many “researchers” have a fundamental misunderstanding of cannabis consumers. Rand recently looked into national cannabis use, and they found that the majority of modern studies were inherently flawed. For instance, one “official” investigation assumed marijuana smokers consumed one joint every two hours of their waking life. (What did they do, only survey Tommy Chong?)

There’s a good chance the association between mental health issues and cannabis use have more to do with the fact that patients use cannabis medically for their condition, as opposed to the cannabis causing the condition. I’ve seen this myself managing collectives for almost four years.

Hopefully as legalization leads to legitimization we will be able to get more reliable information on the long-term affects of cannabis consumption.

Dear Sarah,

I read in the news that the government has a patent on medical marijuana. I looked it up for myself, and it turns out that the government holds U.S. Patent #6630507 titled, “Cannabinoids as antioxidants and neuroprotectants.” They note that Cannabis is useful for an array of neurological diseases including Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s. Why isn’t anyone (including President Obama—admitted cannabis user) discussing this?

~ V. Noriega

Dear V. Noriega,

This is exactly what the late Jack Herer was getting at when he named his book The Emperor Wears No Clothes. Just like in the famous parable, everyone goes along with the “truth about marijuana” because everyone goes along with the “truth about marijuana.” Once you take a step back, you see the truth is very much different.

I can’t tell you exactly why President Obama isn’t discussing U.S. Patent #6630507, but I can tell you to think global, act local. Every time a cannabis user stays in the closet instead of setting the record straight, the truth stays in the closet too.

May I say, great job researching the truth for yourself. You can’t always depend on someone else to tell you what to think. It is due time for our society to have an honest discussion about responsible recreational and/or medical cannabis use, and that discussion should start with us.

Dear Sarah,

Thanksgiving is coming up and I’m going home for the holidays. I respect that my family wouldn’t appreciate me lighting up a joint at the table after dinner (although that would be cool). What are some ways I can discretely medicate so Granny won’t know?

~ Thankful for cannabis

Dear Thankful for cannabis,

I know this situation first-hand. Thanks to the wonders of modern science, the dispensaries in your area should have plenty of solutions for you. If not, you can always make your own. Edibles are an obvious place to start, but be sure to remove the Maui Wowie Bar label before you get to Granny’s house. Disguise it like its vegan or sugar-free, but don’t label them “Sarah’s Special Cookies—DO NOT EAT!” A little obvious. I find that my family doesn’t touch any of my vegan food (which is usually medicated if I’m with them).

There are other discrete ways to consume cannabis. I’ve personally used THC breath strips, hashish candies and glycerin tincture. On the other hand (no pun intended), you can bring your medicated lotion and topical for arthritis, back spasms and/or muscle pain. After dinner, a nice cup of medicated hot cocoa, apple cider or chai tea is a great way to medicate discretely, enjoy some quality family time, and not raise any eyebrows. (Refer to CULTURE’s October issue for a killer Hell-Fire Hot Chocolate recipe.)

No matter what, timing and titration are very important. Be careful not to combine an edible and the annual Thanksgiving pig-out. I’ve heard stories about cannabis/tryptophan-induced nightmares! And who knows, maybe this year Granny will be making the medical cannabis hot cocoa! Hope you and all of CULTURE’s readers have a safe and happy Thanksgiving!

Got a burning question about love, life and/or the pursuit of medicine? Ask Sarah Diesel, medical-marijuana advocate and L.A.’s Countess of Class and Cannabis. Just keep your questions short, straightforward and obscenity-free, and email them to

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