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Recent Studies Explore the Relationship between Cannabis and Human Sexuality



A recently released study suggests that the human psyche’s desire to link cannabis and sex may not just be a mass hallucination. Two studies were published in November’s issue of The Journal of Sexual Medicine. The first study suggests that cannabis consumers are having sex more often than those who don’t consume cannabis and the second study speaks about how human bodies are actually creating endocannabinoids when one masturbates to completion.

While it may be common knowledge to most of us that cannabis consumers have more sex, science has been slow to confirm this. In a 1984 study published in the Journal of Sex Research, over 2/3 of participants reported increased sexual pleasure and satisfaction when they used cannabis. Does this increased satisfaction lead to a more active sex life? The authors of “Association Between Marijuana Use and Sexual Frequency in the United States: A Population-Based Study” Andrew J. Sun, MD, and Michael L. Eisenberg, MD, aimed to find that out. The results indicated that “higher marijuana use was associated with increased coital frequency.”

The connection between cannabis and human sexuality doesn’t end with the plant’s aphrodisiac-like qualities. Some groundbreaking research was conducted on the link between endocannabinoids and orgasm. The results of the study indicated that elevated levels of the endocannabinoid 2-Arachidonoylglycerol (2-AG) were found in participants. That’s the same endocannabinoid that is found in elevated amounts after rigorous exercise. In fact, 2-AG is responsible for what’s known as “runner’s high,” or the feeling you get after strenuous cardio.

This never-before studied subject matter of the endocannabinoid system’s role in the orgasm has huge implications for treating sexual dysfunction. According to the study’s Clinical Translation, “Endocannabinoids might play an important role in the sexual response cycle, leading to possible implications for the understanding and treatment of sexual dysfunctions.” Imagine a world where men and women who had trouble achieving orgasm could use cannabinoids to assist them. Just one of the many ways cannabis can be used to keep humans healthy.

Cannabis is a tried and true method, scientific and otherwise, of getting the mood set for sexy times. Now it seems cannabinoids may be linked to achieving orgasm as well. So while it may be a little too soon to name it as the “sexiest plant on Earth,” it’s definitely eye-opening.

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