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Give Thanks





“We must find time to stop and thank the people who make a difference in our lives.” -John F. Kennedy

[dropcap class=”kp-dropcap radius”]N[/dropcap]ovember is a tumultuous month for nature, for politics, for your emotions, your busy schedule, and even your finances. The weather is changing, throwing your health and body clock into upheaval; you’re preparing for Thanksgiving and Black Friday, juggling family members, cooking, party planning and trying to save some money, all while trying to remain humble and gracious. With Veteran’s Day and Election Day this month, you’re worried about your future, your past and what’s best for your family, your community and the country.

In this season of change, we watch the leaves change color, and we watch the politicians fight for our votes as we start to envision hope in our national future. We can see glimmering hints shining through the issues, arguments and strides toward a better tomorrow, taken one step at a time. Bernie Sanders and Hillary Clinton both spoke up in favor of medical cannabis access at the Democratic Debate, and Sanders even came out in support for further cannabis legalization and criminal justice reform.

Furthermore, many states are revisiting their older medical cannabis regulations, and some states—like Ohio and Maine—may be the next on the legal recreational cannabis train. Hemp and CBD are becoming legal and more accessible in the South, and many different states are enjoying the fruits of their very first legal hemp harvest.

Even in the chaos of all the events taking place this month, we are given opportunities to be thankful in these busy events and bask in our freedoms, our ever-evolving community and the hope of nationwide legal access to cannabis in the near future. Election Day is a reminder of how hard we all fought for equal rights and the democracy of this great nation, and the inevitability of cannabis legalization; Veteran’s Day is a reminder of our rights in this country, and all our loved ones who sacrificed their lives so that we may continue to have those freedoms; Thanksgiving Day, of course, is a reminder to celebrate community, and give your time, energy and love to people without expecting anything in return, and to be thankful for the lives we lead. Even Black Friday can serve as a reminder to be thankful for the invention of capitalism and competition in this country (and amazing sales).

As surprising as it may seem somtimes, November is all about giving thanks, observing the change all around us, and looking ahead into the future. Try to remember to stop every once in a while during your hectic schedule and be thankful.


Evan A. Senn



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